Prognosis of Advanced Prostate Cancer: Part 1

Prognosis is generally poor with regards to prostate cancer, especially in the early stages. To be able to provide you with a better idea of what to expect in the advanced stage, the first section of this article deals with the prognosis. When you can tell, the prognosis of prostate cancer in its advanced stages […]

Powerful Prostate Medication For Maintaining A proper Prostate

Enlarged prostate is a widespread issue among men particularly who are above fifty. Additionally known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), the possibility of an occurring enlarged prostate is higher to virtually all men as they age. It is neither a life threatening neither a cancer type; however, if not provided medical proper care it can […]

Prostate Biopsy: What’s The Treatment Because of this Procedure

When your doctor thinks you have prostate cancer, he or maybe she may buy a biopsy, whereby one or more small samples of the prostate gland are taken for a microscopic examination. Exactly what exactly is a prostate biopsy and what are the procedures needed? A prostate biopsy can take one of 3 kinds, and […]

Prostate Milking – The best Position to Stimulate the Prostate

The act of stimulating the prostate gland in order for men to reach orgasm or ejaculate is known as prostate milking. This could be achieved for medical reasons or just for the fun and pleasure it brings. We must understand what prostate milking is first before we tackle more about the subject. Let’s talk about […]

zinc and Prostate Health

The importance of the trace mineral, zinc is extensively recorded for its role in supporting prostate health. The normal human prostate accumulates probably the highest level of zinc of any soft tissue in the human body. Zinc is important for prostate functions and male hormone activity. Hence, zinc is often referred to as “The Male […]

Prostate Problems – Brachytherapy For Prostate Cancer

The idea of treating cancer with radiation is that radiation is a devastating effect on living cells. In this instance, the radiation is employed for healing purposes only focus. There are 2 types of light treatment for prostate cancer: this outward radiation radiation and brachytherapy. Teletherapy Teletherapy The most typical sort of light treatment for […]

Prostate Screening at a Glance

With an ageing public in the United States, many baby boomers are coming of “age”. Estimates are that 10,000 of them make it to the age of sixty five each day. Prostate problems on the whole are extremely common and perplexing. Without a doubt, the confusion is going to increase caused by so many more […]