A prostate massage is a good way to maintain a normal prostate or to treat a swollen, painful prostate gland. If you suffer from prostatitis, then you could use a special prostate massage technique to minimize the pain fast. You need to massage the prostate of yours each day or every two days to achieve best results.
During the massage you simply put the finger of yours into your rectum and put mild pressure on your prostate to drain the stored fluid that is causing your problems. It may sound easy but isn’t. In reality, odds are that your fingers are extremely short or that you’re not that versatile anymore to perform the massage yourself.
In such a case you can use an exclusive prostate massager. You place it on a chair, sit on it and use your own personal body weight to do the massage.
Don’t be frustrated by the imagination of a prostate massage. It’s so useful, nutritious and brings immediate relief when done properly. It’s not abnormal to do it and when you ask your doctor, he will advise you to do it frequently.
Prostatitis is usually treated with medication however, drugs aren’t powerful if the access is clogged. In this instance the drugs are unable to get to the affected area. This’s where the prostate massage comes into play. If well done, the massage can drain the fluid which is stuck in the gland of yours.
The procedure may seem painful and odd however, it’s not. Many report that the massage itself is usually very pleasurable. The odds are low you are able to hurt yourself. Cut your finger nails as well as massage with gentle pressure and yes it won’t do any harm. Whenever your prostate is highly infected then you certainly shouldn’t carry out a massage as it can spread the bacteria.
It can also help to take a high dosage of vitamin C 1 day before you do the massage, about 1000 mg. This will likely help make your urine more help as well as acid to neutralize the substance. You should always urinate after the massage to wash out the fluid. Drink one or two glasses of water 30 60 minutes before you will do the massage.
Milking the prostate that way does not any harm to your prostate vitamins. It may burn a bit once the fluid leaks although it goes away quickly and isn’t actually painful.