remedies that are Natural offer as much help as prescription drugs or maybe surgery for certain prostate cancer conditions. Here are several of the most popular natural remedies:
1. PUMPKIN Seeds; pumpkin seeds have cucurbitacins, the substances which stops testosterone from changing into stronger from of harmful testosterones, and that boosts prostate cancer cells to grow. Pumpkin seeds contain zinc,the mineral is necessary to reduce the dimensions of the prostate of yours and help symptoms of BPH.
2.SAW PALMETTO; by age 40+, several males start to show some signs of benign prostatic hyperplasia, in small for BPH, prostate swelling due to noncancerous cysts. Saw palmetto dose may free you from the symptoms of enlarged prostate. Conbination of Saw palmetto and Pumpkin seed relief the agonizing urination, improve urine flow and lower number of occasions the men must urinate during day and night.
3. Green tea The substance called catechins would act like sharpshooters, tracking down tumor cells before they can dangerous nourishing prostate cells. Green tea may be the reason why Asian males have a lot less cases of prostate cancer compared to Western men.
4.FLAX SEED; Flaxseed contains high level of omega 3 fatty acids, fiber and lignan. It kills cancer cells in the tracks of theirs. Flaxseed oil is able to break down to harmful compounds when it is heated.
5.BEE POLLEN; Bee pollen has the hormone testosterone and also traces of other male hormone. It appears to give the prostate a boost so that it may heal itself.
6.ASPARAGINE; A health-giving alkaloid found in fresh asparagus, it said to be healing element vitamins for prostate ( prostate problems.
7.UNREFINED SESAME OIL; Unrefined sesame oils is said to be healing and reducing for enlarged prostate back to normal.