After the next laser surgery of mine of the prostate, I went through the healing process by following my physicians orders: drink water and hardly any strenuous workout. Additionally, he said to take extra medication whenever needed for return as well as pain to his office for a check up.
In retrospect, I should have become a second opinion before I allowed this doctor to run a second time for similar reason BPH (enlarged prostate). At times medical professionals do not understand why surgeries fail making use of the newest techniques. Why? Because the tactics were recently learned by the doctors and they do not have the experience with cases which are difficult. My doctor said I was a major candidate for laser surgery of the prostate. At the time I didn’t know that this surgical odyssey would work for from December 29, 2005 until February 22, 2007 and also include four surgical methods coping with my prostate as well as the bladder neck of mine. The surgical dates had been as follows: December 29, 2005 (laser surgery); April twenty five, 2006 (laser surgery); July five, 2006 (TURP); and February twenty two, 2007 (cystoscopy/bladder neck contraction). Additionally, the above mentioned processes needed over twenty days of wearing a catheter (often called the bag).
Approximately two weeks after the second laser beam surgery of the prostate my urine flow was becoming restricted which was hard to entirely empty the bladder of mine. I returned to the doctors’ office for other examination. This was sometime in June 2006. The nurse attempted to insert a catheter, but was not able to do so. A doctor tried and he had also been powerless to put the catheter. But, right now I can continue to urinate on my own. A doctor suggested that we wait and discover if further surgical intervention was required. I was instructed to consume a lot of water and also to call whether my situation worsen.
I left the office sensation that I’d chosen the wrong doctor. But to get a next opinion would call for going through similar test and waiting many weeks to get a follow up report. I decided that I would focus on this young doctor (35-40 yrs of age).
On July five, 2006 was a day that I am going to remember for the rest of my life. I a woke to discover that I could not urinate at all. The tissue had totally fused together! I was in a panic and my bladder was getting extended. Instantly, I returned to the doctors’ office without a scheduled visit. Obviously, he wasn’t there. The nurses indicated that he was operating all day at the hospital. Bladder pain began as I drove for the hospital. I did not tell my wife because she was looking after my granddaughter (2 years old). I arrived in the hospital and checked myself in. I called my wife to let her know I had a dilemma.
The hospital personnel tried unsuccessfully to place a catheter to ease the stress on my bladder. They failed all three times due to the fused tissue. The pain was just great that I purchased them to stop. Finally, the doctor of mine was called, iodine [] however, he was currently in surgery, hence I had to wait a number of hours with a prolonged bladder. Thoughts associated with a second opinion along with a lawsuit did make their way in to the head of mine as I waited on the torture rack.
My physician arrived several hours in the future and he did not try to catheterize me, because he needed to operate for the final time on my prostate. He revealed to me that he will need to get special permission out of the hospital to use. I did not argue because I simply wanted relief. Don’t take for granite the ability to urine.
The doctor of mine received authorization away from the clinic, but I had to delay six more time for the TURP (Transurethral Resection of Prostate) surgery. You are probably wondering about the surgical treatment. The bottom line is that I had a bad response to the laser beam as well as the laser beam (heat) inflamed the prostate tissue. Whether this was brought on by poor surgical treatment, the laser, or reaction to latex nonetheless remains unexplained to this particular day. What follows is the actually medical report from the surgeon: